
Showing posts from July, 2022


One of the most peculiar seasons of the year with regards to exercise is summer time. Praise the sun! Exemplary weather has finally arrived. Long gone are the brumal jackets, burdensome boots, blocked-in driveways and frosty commutes to the gym. Pull up a pair of shorts and toss on a tank top, we're hitting the road and the destination is health and strength with a side of increased confidence. Committing to a date with Brother Iron and Sister Steel has never been easier. So why is it that some people seem to shake, rattle and roll with the righteous metal less than ever when the climate is better? Mystifying. Bewildering. Perplexing, even! Walking into a gym and curling a barbell in June is certainly more convenient than it is in February, yet the number of dumbbell devotees seems to plummet while the heat gets hotter. Convincing one to ditch the pool in favour of performing some walking lunges is a tough sell for most, but what's often forgotten is that sticki...