What limitations do you place on yourself? Is every day a free-for-all regarding food and drink? Or do you choose to curb what you ingest on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? Often times, restriction equals reward, and the results of one's dedication can manifest into a sharper mind and physique. The bevy of advantages gained from temporarily or completely abstaining from life's more seductive enticements are some of the most unique and exclusive within North American culture, seldom seen or heard about. The mental clarity accrued from not smoking or drinking substances that can and will dilute one's mind is priceless, and tends to give the astute individual a sense of prowess and superiority over his peers that continuously fall victim to the trappings of drugs and alcohol. That said, the occasional cold one, earned following a day's work, can serve as a necessary downer to set the weary at ease. Sometimes there's nothing better than a beer after the battle, but t...